Here is what’s new in our latest feature release. Don’t forget to download the latest updates for our iOS and Android apps.
Return on Equity (ROE) Calculation
All rental properties will now show your projected Return on Equity (ROE) in the investment returns section. ROE is a common return metric that compares the yearly cash flow to your total equity in the property.
You can also use ROE when customizing your purchase criteria or using the Offer Calculator to calculate your highest offer to the seller.
More Details in Property Lists
You’ll notice that your property lists now show more relevant information, including the property type, layout, square footage and cash flow. We hope this helps you find, screen and compare properties much quicker.
Live Online Chat
Our web app now includes a live chat feature, which you can use to talk to our support representative and get immediate help on using DealCheck. We are available 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm PST. If you contact us outside of our normal hours, we’ll get back to you the next day.
Click on the chat icon in the bottom right corner to send us a message:
And if you missed our previous announcement, don’t forget to join our affiliate program to get rewarded with a 30% recurring commission for any new users you refer to DealCheck.
Have a suggestion? Send us a message if you’d like to see your feature request included in our next update.