DealCheck isn’t just for analyzing rental properties! Check out these recent improvements to our flip and rehab project analysis tools:

More Relevant Profit & Rehab Projections

PDF reports for flips now show more relevant profit & rehab projections.

You’ll see several alternative holding periods based on the actual length of the rehab, as well as your projected profit and ROI in those scenarios:

Improved Flip Analysis Tools - Profit & Rehab Projections

Tip: You can also vary the length of the rehab from the Analysis Summary page and see projected profit and ROI projections in real time.

Improved Rehab Cost Financing Calculations

We’ve improved the way financed rehab costs are calculated for flips to better match typical lender requirements.

The purchase and rehab financing will be calculated separately, then added together to give you a total loan amount and an LTV/LTC ratio:

Improved Analysis Tools for Flips - Rehab Cost Financing

Google Street View Photo Import

Each time you add a new property, our app will automatically add a Google Street View photo of the home, provided it has a valid street address:

Now supporting automatic Google Street View photo import

We’re working on side-by-side property comparison for our next update, so look out for that in the coming weeks!

Have a suggestion? Send us a message if you’d like to see your feature request included in our next update.