Our latest update added the ability to analyze future refinance scenarios, create comparable reports, and a few more features and enhancements.

Check out the highlights of what’s new below:

Analyze Future Refinance Scenarios

You can now analyze future cash-out and term & rate refinance loans for rentals and BRRRRs.

This allows you to model a variety of complex financing strategies, including a mix of short and long-term financing, future HELOCs and home equity loans, as well as hybrid interest-only and amortizing loans.

Analyze future refinance scenarios for rentals and BRRRRs

New Comp Reports & Improvements

Next, we’ve made several improvements to our sales and rental comp tools:

  • We’ve added two new PDF report types for creating sales and rental comp reports
  • You will now see similarity scores for each comparable property
  • To support DealCheck users in other countries, we’ve made sure manually added comps respect your selected currency and units
  • Comparable CSV exports and property reports will now display the days since a comp was sold or seen listed for rent

Create sales and rental comp PDF reports

Other Notable Features

And here are a few more features we’ve added in this update:

  • You can now export side-by-side property comparisons to CSV files for use in Excel or other apps through our website
  • We’ve added the South Korean won as an available currency option in your settings
  • We’ve improved the accuracy of our property insurance estimates nationwide
  • You will now see days on market for properties currently listed for sale

Export property comparisons to CSV files

All of these features are now available online, as well as in our iOS and Android apps. Sign in to your account to give them a try: